Enlightenment, presented as a rarified state of consciousness virtually unobtainable by anyone living on Earth, is a concept that takes one further from the actual truth of the idea, which in essence is about being ordinary.
The way to enlightenment starts with understanding that we are all children of the universe and that we should strive to live as illumined beings. Every living creature in nature is illumined and through their existence they enrich the world. The morning trill of a songbird is but one example.
We (humanity) are illumined creatures but with the capacity to stray from this state of being and so disconnect ourselves from the Logus and the universal energy underpinning truth. All to easily we confuse our minds with religious, scientific and political ideologies as well as with the intellectual clutter that we gather, when we think about how we should behave and what we should believe?
To be ordinary is to be illumined; that is to say we let go of artificial constructs that create a phoney enlightenment and we learn to love ourselves and live our lives as warm hearted, compassionate and courageous human beings.
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